What is HMPV and Why Should You Care?: Complete Guide

What is HMPV and Why Should You Care?: Complete Guide

There has been a rapid increase in the cases of the HMPV virus in India, increasing the concern of the health departments. But medical experts say that there is no need to panic. The fear of the coronavirus epidemic has become so deep in our minds that we start comparing any infectious disease directly with COVID-19. This is also natural because, during the coronavirus period, people were terrified to see their loved ones losing hope of living in front of their eyes, how can anyone forget the pain of wandering from door to door for health facilities so soon? 

People who have suffered everything from the fight for oxygen cylinders to not getting a bed in the hospital, see the Corona period at a glance as soon as they hear the name of the virus. But this is not the case with the HMPV virus. The country’s largest research institute, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has given the people a piece of big relief news. It has been said that the activity of the HMPV virus is more on cold days and with the increase in temperature, its effect starts decreasing from February to March.

What Is HMPV Virus Full Form?

The full form of HMPV is Human Metapneumovirus. It is a respiratory infection. HMPV virus symptoms are similar to the coronavirus symptoms. 

What is the HMPV Virus?

According to the Ministry of Health, Human Metapneumovirus is not a new virus. The case of HMPV virus was first found in 2001 and it has been spreading in the country and the world for many years. Both HMPV and Corona are viruses that cause respiratory problems. HMPV virus belongs to the family of Pneumoviridae viruses. Most of its symptoms are like Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). RSV is a common virus in India, whose cases are seen every year.

What are the symptoms of the HMPV Virus?

You know about the HMPV Virus, now let’s know about What HMPV virus symptoms. The HMPV virus symptoms are similar to the symptoms of corona. It is like the cold and flu. See, HMPV symptoms are as follows:-

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Cough
  • Cold
  • Sore throat
  • Weakness and fatigue

How does the HMPV Virus spread?

According to the CDC, HMPV virus rash is an airborne virus that spreads through droplets emitted by coughing or sneezing, touching, close contact with an infected person, touching contaminated surfaces, shaking hands, touching eyes and nose, etc. This virus can survive on a surface for a long time and if a person touches the eyes, nose, or mouth after touching the surface in that interval, then he can get infected.

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Treatment of HMPV Virus

HMPV virus can stay in your body for 2 to 5 days, so the question is how to treat HMPV virus. There is no specific treatment for this yet. HMPV virus symptoms can be controlled. Usually, the doctor can advise you to do the following treatment:-

  • Consume more fluids to prevent the body from getting dehydrated.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Rest as much as possible.
  • Take any medicine to get relief from pain and fever only after consulting a doctor.
  • If breathing is difficult, take the help of oxygen therapy.
  • If you have a cough problem, you can take cough medicine after consulting a doctor.

Measures to avoid HMPV Virus

The following measures can be taken to avoid HMPV virus:-

  • Maintain adequate distance from the person infected with the virus.
  • Keep washing hands from time to time.
  • Use a mask while coughing or sneezing.
  • Eat the right foods to strengthen immunity.
  • Avoid going to crowded places.

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General Complications caused by HMPV Virus

Having HMPV can cause the following complications:

  • Pneumonia
  • Respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Secondary bacterial infections: such as bacterial pneumonia.
  • Worsening of chronic diseases: such as asthma and COPD.

Prevention Tips for HMPV Virus

There is no special vaccine or medicine to fight HMPV yet. Therefore, prevention is the basic mantra to deal with it.

  • This HMPV virus spreads through cough droplets. Therefore, it is important to keep hands and surrounding things clean.
  • Wash hands with soap frequently and do not touch children with dirty hands.
  • Keep children’s beds clean.
  • Stay away from sick people.
  • Use sanitizer outside the house.
  • Use a tissue or handkerchief while coughing or sneezing.
  • Take special care of ventilation inside the house.
  • If you see flu-like symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.
  • Do not go to crowded places.
  • Do not take any kind of medicine without asking a doctor.
  • If children see flu-like symptoms, do not try any home remedies on your own.

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Conclusion to the HMPV Virus

You know in this article about the Complete Guide of What is HMPV and Why Should You Care? Where you know that HMPV virus is a type of respiratory virus, which affects the respiratory system when infected. Its common symptoms include cold cough, difficulty in breathing, fever, sore throat, weakness, fatigue, etc. 

In some cases, it can also cause serious respiratory problems. To prevent this, keep adequate distance from the infected person, keep washing hands from time to time, avoid going to crowded places, etc.

No specific treatment has been found for the HMPV virus in India yet. In its treatment, the symptoms are controlled. You can get health insurance in advance for the treatment of any serious disease. Health insurance provides you with financial assistance for the treatment of serious diseases and also provides many health facilities. You can buy a general health insurance plan from Care Health Insurance and protect your loved ones.

Q.1 Is HMPV an airborne disease?

Ans. Yes, Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is an airborne disease. Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Grover, Head of Critical Care and Pulmonology at CK Birla Hospital Gurugram, said that it is usually transmitted through respiratory droplets released by coughing or sneezing.

It spreads through the air through droplets. Apart from this, it also spreads by touching contaminated surfaces or things.

Q.2 Is HMPV serious and contagious?

Ans. Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is an infectious respiratory disease that can prove to be serious. In fact, due to spreading through the air, it can spread rapidly, making it extremely contagious. Also, it can take a serious form due to affecting the lungs.

Q. 3 Is HMPV a common cold?

Ans. HMPV virus symptoms often cause cold-like symptoms, including cough, fever, runny nose and sore throat. This is the reason why many people can make the mistake of considering it a common cold. However, unlike the common cold, this virus can cause many serious health complications.

Q.4 What is the treatment for HMPV?

Ans. Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) can usually be treated with medicines prescribed by the doctor to reduce the symptoms. However, there is no specific treatment for this disease or virus yet.

Q. 5 Can you get HMPV again?

Ans. Most people get HMPV before the age of 5. Although it can recur, symptoms are usually mild after the first infection.

Q.6 What is human metapneumovirus?

HMPV is a respiratory virus that primarily affects the lungs and airways. HMPV virus can cause a variety of diseases ranging from common cold-like symptoms to more severe respiratory conditions such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia.

Q. 7 Who is at greater risk?

Ans. Anyone can get infected with HMPV, but the HMPV virus in infants, in children, the elderly, and people with weakened immunity is affected soon. The doctor explains that high-risk groups include children under five years of age, the elderly, and people with pre-existing respiratory problems or weakened immunity. People living in crowded or poorly ventilated places are also more vulnerable.

Q.8 Is there any new threat for India?

Ans. As it has been made clear by the Union Health Ministry at present no cases of HMPV virus 2024 have been reported in India (HMPV risk in India). In such a situation, there is no need to fear or panic about it. However, according to Dr. in India, the virus is not yet considered a major threat, but due to the dense population of India, it is likely to spread if proper precautions are not taken.

Q.9 How does this virus spread?

Ans. This HMPV virus spreads through respiratory droplets by coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces with infected droplets. It is very contagious, especially in places like schools or hospitals.

Q.10 How to prevent the virus?

Ans. The doctor also told me about the ways to avoid the virus. He said that it can be avoided by adopting habits like cleanliness, especially regular hand washing. Apart from this, masks should be worn in crowded areas. Since there is no vaccine for this virus yet, it is important to keep these things in mind to protect yourself from it.

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