Importance of Regular Health Check-Ups

Importance of Regular Health Check-Ups

Whenever it comes to going to the hospital. Doctor for routine check-ups or Regular health Check-ups, people always asks why it is so important. I am feeling fine so why should I go for a Regular health Check-Up? So the answer to this question is not that hard, but understanding the benefits and importance of […]

Malaria and Dengue: Symptoms And Treatment

Malaria and Dengue: Symptoms And Treatment

In India, right now the monsoon is about to enter through many gates of the environment. This is why, it’s possible that we can see a sharp rise in the cases of malaria and dengue. In India and many parts of the world, there are a lot of people who don’t know the difference between […]

Introduction to the Sitting Positions You Should Know

The Sitting Positions You Should Know

When we talk about the ancient history of the world, many ancient texts and books covered the Different types, manners, and procedures of human problems to be treated successfully. But from all of them, the Indian methods and books like Sushrut Sahimta, Charak Samhita, Ayurveda, and Thirukkural are known as one of the most trusted […]