How to Choose the Right Ambulance Service in Mumbai

Ambulance Service in Mumbai

In Mumbai, when anyone faces any medical emergency, either for others or for themselves, they instantly Respond with “Call the Ambulance”. Now, by dialing your preferred ambulance service number, you can book any ambulance service at any point in time.  But do you know about the fact that “86% of People in India, don’t know […]

Top 10 Safety Tips for Emergency Situations

Safety Tips for Emergency Situations

In any part of the world, if you are living your life peacefully, doesn’t mean you won’t face the emergency. This is why, it’s crucial for everyone to know how to behave in emergencies, but before that, we need to know what Emergency Situations Are. This is why, in this blog, we have added comprehensive […]

Common Myths About Ambulance Services

Common Myth about Ambulance Service

Whenever a thing gets in use widely, there are always some myths generated around that stuff. Similarly, the Ambulance is a life-saving thing that is used by thousands every day in India & Millions around the globe daily. This is why, we must know or be aware of the common myths about the Ambulance Services. […]